Editorial principles of our organization: Our site offers music services and music collection for athletes who use music in sport competitions. All services are made by high levels professional specialists and are offered non-discriminately worldwide. We are the leading company offering this wide range of services.

Ownership / Funding info: We are 100% owned and funded by ABG World LLC, a Florida limited liability company.

Ownership structure of our organization: SportMusic.com is a division of ABG World LLC, a Florida limited liability company, located in Naples, Florida. Company CEO and Creative Director is Alexander Goldstein. Company CFO is Marina Berkovich. This company is privately held and does not rely on government or private grants.

Actionable feedback policy: Suggestions could be submitted via contact form on the website.

How our organization collects and responds to feedback, engages with the public, and prioritizes transparency: Suggestions will be evaluated and responded to on as needed basis by appropriate personnel. If changes are enacted, feedback to the submitter will reflect and acknowledge them. All our policies are clearly presented to the public. We exercise periodic notifications to keep all information transparent.

Corrections policy: Corrections to context, services and/or products can be initiated via contact form on the website. SportMusic.com reserves all rights to all context, services and products and will take any suggested corrections under advisement.

Procedure for addressing errors, like publishing retractions or corrections: Error corrections and publishing retractions policy: The site owner will review all notifications as needed and will initiate revisions and retractions, depending on content, relevance and timeliness.

Ethics policy: Code of Professional Ethics is followed by all professionals associated with this website without exceptions and in all situations.

We adhere to high standards set forth by US Constitution and its amendments in all matters of personal, organizational, and corporate standards of behavior expected by our organization.

We adhere to high standards set forth by US Constitution and its amendments in all matters and policies related to diversity.

We adhere to high standards set forth by US Constitution and its amendments in all matters related to diversity policies for editorial content.

We adhere to high standards set forth by US Constitution and its amendments in all matters related to and/or resulting in diversity staffing reporting.

We adhere to high standards set forth by US Constitution and its amendments in all matters related to diversity policies for staffing, hiring and employment.