In recent times many figure skaters, ice dancers and rhythmic gymnasts started to use music of Cabaret or Burlesque styles. These two styles are close enough. The obvious problem is that this sensual music, especially songs with lyrics, is not good for young athletes. They are not able to express it correctly primarily because the content of the lyrics is for mature athletes only and in these sports tweens already reach high-level competitions.
프로그램/루틴을 만들기 위해 선택한 앨범의 모든 트랙은 맞춤 음악 편집을 주문하면 무료가 됩니다. 주문 설명 상자에 앨범 제목과 트랙 번호를 기재하세요.
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Album’s Info:
Publisher: ABG World, LLC (ASCAP)
Release Date: 2023
Copyright: © 2023 ABG World, LLC (ASCAP)